Center Your Chakras

Chakras are the concentrated energy centers of the body. Chakra is a Sanskrit term and it means “wheel” or “disk” and is derived from the root word “cakra”. Chakras are spinning wheels of energy/light. Chakras have the loving responsibility of taking in, incorporating and emanating energy to keep us functioning at optimal levels.

We have Major and Minor Chakras

We have major and minor chakras in our energetic body systems. When a chakra is not functioning properly or if it is blocked, illness is more prone to occur. Our wellbeing on all levels can affect and is affected by the chakras. If we are feeling depressed, then we may not be taking in the maximum amount of energy for our needs. If we do not nourish our bodies with the proper food and nutrients, then we may take in less energy than more. If we “block” feelings such as anger, etc., or do not speak our truth, we may be unconsciously impeding our healthy energy flow.

Balance Is Key in Chakra Healing

No one chakra is better than the others or more important than any other in the process of energy body balancing and chakra healing. You don’t want to have extra heart chakra energy and less throat chakra energy; it simply doesn’t work like that. Ideally, all seven of your chakras are healed, balanced, open, and humming, allowing energy to flow into and out of your body. The amazing thing is that your body is going to find a way to move energy in and out (unless, of course, your ego self is telling it to hold on to something). If one of your chakras is closed or underactive, there is a very good chance that another chakra will be overactive to make up the difference.

Because your body wants to achieve energetic balance in your chakras, moving too far in either direction (underactive or overactive) in any one chakra can yield negative effects in your body and be counterproductive to the energy body and chakra healing process. An underactive chakra kicks another chakra into overdrive, which in turn pulls extra energy away from that part of the body

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